What is the difference between repairing, refinishing, and a furniture makeover?
Furniture Makeovers break the rules of traditional wood refinishing that restore or refinish a piece to its original finish. Furniture Makeovers can take any piece of furniture and transform it into a collector's piece with a completely new look and feel. Take this wooden chest as an example.
Refinished Antique Oak Chest Transformed into a Beautiful Family Heirloom
It was originally a toolbox built in the late 1930 by a South Carolina carpenter. After he passed away on 1944 it was stored in the back of a garage until 1976 until it was discovered by his daughter-in-law. She had it refinished and In 1985 and then It was passed down to the oldest grandson. In 1988 his girlfriend's new puppy was teething and chewed on every corner of the chest. In 2020 Surfaces Rx was asked to repair the damage and add a new finish. We we did and everyone was happy.

Then the owners remodeled their house and the piece no longer fit it and was relegated to the basement media room where it sat, ignored. Until Surfaces Rx added Furniture Makeovers. The owners asked us to remodel the chest and give it a cherished vintage antique look.